We are all daffy around here at this time of the year!
Bradner (where we live) is said to be the daffodil capital of Canada. The area abounds with roadside stands like these, selling cut daffodils on the 'honour' system. Well to be honest, this stand is probably a little bigger than most, and sells potted bulbs as well as cut flowers.
The owners of these stands could be anyone with a few rows of bulbs grown just for the purpose of making a bit of money by selling at the road side, to large farms that ship hundreds of thousands of cut stems each year, and produce as many bulbs for sale in the Fall.
The Bradner Flower Show is held every year (last weekend in fact).
Here's some information about the grower of these daffodils, taken from this publication: http://www.flounder.ca/FraserSouth/yak/YAKmay09.pdf
Click on the link and scroll down for the picture that goes with this article.....
Here is a snapshot of our own Matt Groves in
front of some of his award-winning daffodils. Matt,
a long time daffodil grower in Bradner and Mount
Lehman, returned from the American Daffodil Society
National Convention held April 25-27 in Chicago
with ribbons a-plenty. Attended by growers from the
US, England, Ireland and New Zealand, he was the
only participant from Canada. Matt won first, second
and third place ribbons for three of his varieties of
double pink daffodils. In addition, his daffodils in
other categories won a total of 7 first-place ribbons, 8
second-place, 10 third-place and 3 honorable mentions,
including an honourable mention for one of his own
hybrids. He was also the recipient of a special Judges
Choice Award for one of his photographs.
Kudos to Matt!
I wish we had some of those stands around here!