Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Sometimes this 365 day photo thing is a bit of a chore.  I did take photos yesterday, but forgot all about posting them.  I took these photos because of this blog


  1. humm, looks like Callie is having some troubles. I need to go back and read your posts. Give her my love.

  2. OOps, just to clarify....
    I made this harness when Calli was first injured five years ago, to support her back end, and talked about it on the blog I linked to up above. The blog author requested pictures.
    If you want to read about Calli's injury, which she still has but she doesn't use the harness anymore, the link is http://wyndsonfarm.blogspot.com/2010/06/callis-story.html
    There has been the odd time when we have been doing a lot of walking that I wished I had it along, as her back end was getting tired out.
